Superman is an american superheto created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1934 - published in comic form by DC Comics. Superman is a self-proclaimed superhero with purpose to maintain justice, truth and (especially) the american dream - without ever killing anybody, whatever the circumstances. He is constantly challenged by a number of arch enemies such as fx. Lex Luthor, Brainiac etc. who constantly attemt to obtain world dominance through various obscure plans.
Superman has two identities : his exterterestial origin as Kal-El and his present position as Superman - and the human newpaper (and later TV) reporter Klark Kent. As baby he was sent away in a rocket by his father, Jor-El, just as their home planet Krypton was destroyed. The rocket landed on Earth, near the city Smallville. Here, a married couple named Kent, found and adopted the little boy and raised him under the name Clark Kent. Through the years, the authors tried to give Superman more challenges by fx. make him vulnorable to a special mineral by name Kryptonite. Later this threat was removed through a cosmic event, which transformed all Kryptonite to a harmless substance.
Superman er en amerikansk superhelt, skabt af Jerry Siegel og Joe Shuster i 1934 - og udgivet i tegneserieform første gang af DC Comics. Superman er selvbestaltet superhelt med formål at opretholde retfærdighed, sandhed og (i særdeleshed) den amerikanske drøm - uden at måtte dræbe nogen. Han udfordres til stadighed af en række ærkefjender som f.eks. Lex Luthor, Brainiac osv. som konstant forsøger at opnå verdensherredømme gennem alverdens sindrige planer.
Superman har to identiteter : hans udenjordiske ophav som Kal-El og nuværende skikkelse som Superman - og den menneskelige reporter Klark Kent. Helten blev spæd sendt væk i et rumskib af sin far, Jor-El, lige før Krypton blev udslettet Raketten landede på Jorden, nær byen Smallville. Ægteparret Kent adopterede den lille dreng og opfostrer ham under navnet Clark Kent. Igennem årene forsøgte forfatterne at give Superman flere udfordringer ved bl.a. at gøre ham sårbar overfor et specialt mineral ved navn Kryptonit. Senere fjernede man denne sårbarhed gennem en kosmiske hændelse, der omvandlede al kryptonit til et harmløst stof.
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