Batman is an american action comics hero figure, originally created and drawn by Kane og Bill Finger. Published first in 1939, in the american magazine Detective Comics 27 with the history of The Case of the Chemical Syndicate.
Batman is one of the front figures in the american superhero-universe at DC Comics. He is a superhero with no supernatural powers - consistently using the title 'detective'. Han has two identities : rich playboy, Bruce Wayne - and superhero, Batman. Always insisting to never use guns to overcome the worst criminals. Classic arch enemies are The Joker, Ra's al Guhl, Two-Face, The Pinguin, The Riddler, The Scarecrow and many others.
From the start, artists were able to sign stories - slightly different from the Disney and Superman story universe. Also it has been tradition to accept slightly more artistic freedom than average.
Batman er en amerikansk tegneseriefigur, oprindelig skabt og tegnet af Bob Kane og Bill Finger. Udgivet først i 1939 i det amerikanske tegneseriehæfte Detective Comics 27 i historien The Case of the Chemical Syndicate.
Batman er front hovedfigur i det amerikanske superhelte-univers fra forlaget DC Comics. Han er superhelt uden overnaturlige superkræfter - og bruger selv titlen 'detektiv'. Han har to identiteter : rig playboy, Bruce Wayne - og superhelt, Batman. Insisterer på at aldrig bruge skydevåben for at overvinde de værste forbrydere. Klassiske ærkefjender er Jokeren, Ra's al Guhl, Two-Face, The Pinguin, The Riddler, Fugleskræmslet og mange andre.
Fra starten var det muligt for kunstnere at signere historierne - lidt i modsætning til Disney og Superman historie universet. Ligeledes har det været tradition at acceptere lidt friere rammer for kunstneriske udfoldelser end gennemsnittet.
Lot of various Batman magazines in various poor state (expect no collectors editions)
Reading examples : used, but all pages intact and no rip/clipping, no loose, no wirting inside, wear and tear on cover
Editions : from number 6/1966 to later editions around year 2000 Pages: B/W in teh early editions to colour in the latest Binding: soft cover Author: various, (c)DC Comics Artwork: various, (c)DC Comics Danish editions: 1966-2000,
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