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Category :  Albums>Western>Morgan Kane

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Morgan Kane is an ex-outlaw - now-turned US Marshal - always chasing the worst bandits - with minimal dialogue. Western stories based on the original books by Norwegian Kjell Hallbing with artist name Louis Mastersons. Artwork by Ernst Olsen Meister in a carefylly detailed style - environment and gunfights in genuine spaghetti western style.

The offset for the stories (books) is when a young Morgan Kane with covername 'El Gringo' joins up with teh bandit 'Coyote' in mexico. This becomes a learning experience, which shapes Morgan Kane as a hard gunfighter without too many disturbing emotions. The stories are mostly unfolding as flashbacks through the albums, with episodes taking form as independant stories.

Morgan Kane er tidligere lovløs - nu US Marshal - altid på jagt efter de værste banditter - med minimal dialog. Westernserie er baseret på de oprindelige bøger af nordmanden Kjell Hallbing med kunstner navnet Louis Mastersons. Tegnet af Ernst Olsen Meister i en flot, detaljeret, dog noget stiv stil - miljø og revolverkampe i ægte spaghetti western stil.

Historierne (bøgerne) tager udgangspunkt, da en ung Morgan Kane med dæknavn 'El Gringo' banditten 'Coyote' i Mexico. Det bliver en lærende oplevelse, der former Morgan Kane som hårdhudet gunfighter uden for mange forstyrrende følelser. Serien udfolder sig mest som flashbacks igennem tegneserie hæfterne, der forgår periodevis som afsluttede historier.


Morgan Kane Nr. 1 - Billy Gou...
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